Sustainability Policy
Due to the nature of our insurance business, we calculate risks and manage them on behalf of all our stakeholders, creating value in their lives. Environmental and social externalities have a significant impact on our industry. With the increase in exposure to environmental and social risks in the world and in our country, a transformation is also taking place in the insurance sector.
In 2021, we launched a review to understand how our insurance activities are impacted by global sustainability outcomes and to improve our company's Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) performance. As a result of these analyses, including the first findings about the transition from the single-capital business model to the 6-capital business model, we realized our new sustainability vision: Insurance for positive impact.
In line with this vision, our commitments are:
1. We aim to contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals in order to positively develop our impact on ESG issues.
2. We develop our dialogue with company investors on the connection of ESG issues with the company's strategy.
3. We develop a monitoring system to evaluate the results of our portfolio related to ESG. We integrate ESG issues into decision-making processes on risk management, insurance and capital adequacy.
4. We do not fund activities that are prohibited or restricted by contracts and national legislation to which Turkey is a party.
5. We integrate our ESG priorities into our investment and purchasing decisions.
6. As outlined in our Ethical Principles Regulation, we avoid behaviors that may lead to ethnic, political and religious discrimination while performing the duties of our employees.
7. Our Gift Acceptance Rules are regulated within the scope of the Ethical Principles Regulation. Our employees working in Purchasing, Finance, Sales, Internal Systems and audit roles cannot accept gifts offered by institutions and individuals with whom we have a business relationship; returns unconditionally.
8. We support regulatory measures and policies that ensure risk reduction. We collaborate with regulatory bodies to improve integrated risk management.
9. We collaborate with non-governmental organizations to better understand and manage ESG issues.
Our Corporate Sustainability Policy is reviewed once a year by the Sustainability Working Group. Realizations related to the annual targets determined within the scope of our policy are monitored monthly by the Sustainability Working Group and reported to the Board of Directors twice a year at six-month intervals.