The purpose of this document is to determine the ethical principles, implementation principles and measures to be taken in case of non-compliance with these principles, in addition to the existing laws and regulations, in the relations of the Company with its customers and other stakeholders, and to form a basis for the processes to be implemented by the Company. In case of violation of the provisions of these principles, all kinds of regulations, procedures, application principles etc. published by the Company. The documents form the basis of the processes to be implemented.

Article 2: SCOPE

The Ethical Principles cover all our employees within the Company (the obligation to comply with the confidentiality defined in this document continues even after the employee leaves the company) and the members of their authorized boards ('employees').


Our company and our employees fulfill their duties in line with the following ethical principles:

a) Integrity

It is based on establishing fair and honest relations with all our employees and stakeholders with whom it has a business relationship.

b) Compliance with Confidentiality

All kinds of information belonging to the Company, which may create a competitive disadvantage, trade secrets, financial and other information that has not yet been disclosed to the public, employee personal rights information, personal data of our employees, customers and stakeholders, its customers and stakeholders within the framework of "confidentiality agreements" made with third parties, It takes care to protect it at the highest level, taking into account the Law on the Protection of Personal Data and other relevant legislation. The obligation to comply with confidentiality continues even if the employee leaves the company.

c) Reliability

In our activities and relations, we aim to be clear, understandable and provide accurate information within the understanding of mutual trust, and not to be misleading; performs its services in a timely and complete manner.

d) Respect for Human Rights

Respects the dignity of the individual and fundamental human rights. It acts in accordance with universal human rights rules.

e) Respect for the Environment

With the awareness of the risks of climate change and the destruction it will cause, it acts responsibly towards the protection of the environment and nature in our activities.

f) Social Responsibility

The company engages in activities that will contribute to the progress and sustainable development of society.

g) Impartiality

Treats the Company's stakeholders (such as employees, agents, business partners and customers) impartially and objectively in the provision of the service; While performing their duties, they exhibit an equal attitude without discrimination based on language, religion, belief, race, gender, ethnic origin, nationality, political opinion and similar issues.

h) Transparency

It keeps the transparency at the highest level in the activities carried out. It ensures that information is disclosed to the public in a timely, accurate, complete, understandable and easily accessible manner.

i) Competition

The company acts in accordance with the relevant legislation, competition law and insurance ethical principles in all its activities. It stays away from all kinds of agreements that aim to disrupt, prevent and restrict competition or that may have this effect. Obtains any information about competitors by complying with moral rules and the principle of compliance with the law.

j) Principle of Equal Treatment

It maintains an equal distance from employees, customers, and all institutions and organizations in the activities carried out.

k) Avoidance of Conflict of Interest

Employees cannot use their duties and authorities in the company, their inside information in any way to benefit themselves, their families or third parties.

Employees cannot gain any commercial interest by using or making available any non-public information about the Company, nor can they be an intermediary in its acquisition.

Employees, either personally or through the second degree (including this degree) their relatives by blood or marriage and family members  do not derive personal benefits from persons and organizations with whom our Company has a business relationship.

Employees do not enter into a business or partnership relationship with the Company's business partner or customers. It does not take advantage of the benefits provided by business partners or customers for personal benefits.

Employees comply with the legal regulations on the subject and the internal procedures of the company, if any, when buying and selling company stocks.

l) Use of Resources and Assets

The assets, resources, opportunities and employees owned by the company cannot be used, copied and disclosed to unauthorized third parties, except for the interests of the Company.

Employees cannot establish personal business relationships with the person or organizations with which the Company has commercial relations, purchase personal goods or services from them, accept debt money, sell goods and services to them, they cannot lend money and engage in bail.

Employees cannot save, even in favor of the customer, without the knowledge of the customer, evaluate the customer's zaaf in favor of the Company and give the customer any missing or incorrect information.

m) Press Relations and Use of Social Media Accounts

Relations with the media are carried out by the unit responsible for corporate communication of the Company.

n) Use of Social Media Accounts

Employees do not share unconfirmed information about Company-related issues, act in accordance with copyrights, and cannot share content that will cause disputes and uncertainties, and content that violates privacy, on social media.

o) Information Security Principle and Protection of Confidential Information

The provisions of the Information Security Policy published by the company are complied with.

p) Prevention of Bribery, Corruption, Laundering of Proceeds of Crime and Financing of Terrorism

Our employees; They show zero tolerance in preventing bribery, all kinds of corruption and money laundering and terrorist financing. The zero tolerance approach applies to all activities and services performed by or on behalf of our Company.

Employees act within the scope of the “Policy of Prevention of Laundering Proceeds of Crime and Financing of Terrorism”.

q) Ensuring a Healthy, Orderly and Equal Work Environment for Employees

Employees work in a positive and harmonious working environment that supports cooperation in the workplace, and they do not create conflict environments. Employees respect their private lives, physical, sexual and emotional immunities, as well as all kinds of immunities of other employees.

r) Accepting and Giving Gifts

Employees cannot accept any benefit, gift or special application which affect or are likely to influence their performance, objectivity, and decision-making, is implicitly or explicitly tied to a provision, has economic value or is convertible into economic value, from the Company's stakeholders (such as agents, business partners, suppliers and customers).

However, gifts with a reasonable value that are promotional, based on hospitality or that do not contradict the conventions in the course of ordinary commercial life and do not cause a conflict of interest are not considered within this scope.

Employees may not accept gratuitous or borrowed money from agents, intermediaries, insureds, participants, business partners, competitors or customers.

The General Manager is authorized to determine the procedures and principles regarding what the gifts and promotions that the company will offer to third parties will be, to whom and in what manner.

s) Ethical Sales Principle

It is essential to act in accordance with the ethical sales principle in sales transactions made by the company. It is ensured that the sales processes are compatible with the customer's needs.

t) Promoting Employee Rights and Combating Discrimination

Employees respect the rights of other employees. It is absolutely against forced/compulsory/ and child labor. It is expected that this understanding will be accepted and supported by the parties with which it has a business relationship. While performing their duties, employees act by considering the effects on human rights, and ensure that necessary precautions and savings are taken.


Our company and our employees; They act in accordance with ethical principles towards legal regulations, employees, customers, business partners, shareholders, corporate identity of the company, environment and society.


An ethics committee is formed at the company. The regulations regarding the establishment, implementation, procedures and principles of the Board are approved by the Board of Directors. The ethics committee prepares an annual report to be submitted to the Board of Directors every year. The Ethics Committee also takes the lead in carrying out or getting work done for the establishment of an ethical culture within the Company.

Employees who report an ethical violation by encountering an ethical violation are not discriminated against because of this behavior, and the employee's freedom of notification is respected. In addition, all measures are taken to protect the privacy of the person making the notification.

In good faith, retaliation against an employee who raises a concern about illegal or unethical behavior to the company cannot be tolerated and will be reported immediately to the company's Disciplinary Board.


These Ethical Principles come into force from the date of approval by the Company's General Assembly. The authority to make changes regarding ethical principles rests with the Board of Directors.

Ethics Hotline Statement

You can report any improper action, violation of ethic rules or any suspicious situation to [email protected].