General Assembly

Meeting Agenda

Türkiye Sigorta AŞ 2023 Minutes of Annual General Assembly

Türkiye Sigorta 2023 General Assembly Info Document

Türkiye Sigorta 2023 General Assembly Meeting Agenda 6 June 2024

Invitation of 2023 Ordinary General Assembly

Türkiye Sigorta AŞ 2022 Minutes of Annual General Assembly

Invitation of 2022 Ordinary General Assembly

Türkiye Sigorta 2022 General Assembly Meeting Agenda 3 August 2023

Türkiye Sigorta 2022 General Assembly Info Document

Türkiye Sigorta AŞ 2021 Minutes of Annual General Assembly

Türkiye Sigorta AŞ General Assembly Information Document for 2021

Türkiye Sigorta AŞ 2021 General Assembly Meeting Agenda 28 March 2022

Invitation of 2021 Ordinary General Assembly

Türkiye Sigorta AŞ 2020 General Assembly Information Document

2020 General Assembly Meeting Minutes 31 March 2021

Proxy Voting Form

Proxy Voting Form 2023 General Assembly Meeting

Proxy Voting Form 2022 General Assembly Meeting

Limited Shareholder Rights To Call Meetings

At the Regulation on the Procedures and Principles of General Assembly Meetings of Joint Stock Companies and the Ministry Representatives to Attend These Meetings, 9th article – 3th sub article about the rights of shareholders to call special meetings states that Minority shareholders, who constitute at least one-tenth of the company's capital, one-twentieth of the publicly held corporation's capital, or if foreseen in the articles of association a smaller number of shareholders; or if the general assembly is already to be held, to take a decision, by stating the necessary reasons and agenda may ask the board of directors to call the general assembly for a meeting. They may request, in writing, through a notary, that the issues they wish be put on the agenda. The request to add an item to the agenda must reach the board of directors before the date of payment of the announcement fee for the publication of the call announcement in the Turkish Trade Registry Gazette.