Combating Climate Change and Emission Management
As Türkiye Sigorta, we carry out our work in line with our strategy to combat climate change in order to reduce the environmental impacts of climate change.
Key elements of our strategy to combat climate change are summarized as follows;
Ensuring that the Board of Directors manages climate risks and opportunities by integrating them into corporate strategy and risk management,
Analyzing well how climate risk affects products, operations and value chains,
Reporting scope 1, scope 2 and scope 3 greenhouse gas emissions in accordance with the Greenhouse Gas Protocol,
To set a net zero carbon target in line with the national target,
Setting corporate decarbonization targets based on science,
Reporting progress on an annual basis against pre-determined and consistent targets
While managing our operations, we evaluate the risks and opportunities created by climate change with teams formed from operational units. We aim to facilitate access to insurance instruments aimed at reducing the risks posed by climate change and to enrich our renewable energy-oriented portfolio in accordance with our sustainable insurance approach. We maintained our industry leadership by providing 121 billion TL guarantee for renewable energy projects as of 2022.However, when evaluating requests from non-renewable power plants within the scope of our operations, we make more stringent bidding conditions and risk measurement assessment of the power plant and do not evaluate investments that are out of performance as much as possible.
In addition to the inclusion of our value chain, which we operationally define as external factors, in the process and the work we continue in this context, we work to keep our environmental footprint to a minimum in terms of internal factors within the scope of combating climate change. Greenhouse gases generated by our operations are a result of the total energy consumption consumed by the Headquarter buildings and Regional offices throughout the year. Energy consumption consists of electrical energy purchased for lighting, heating and cooling (air conditioners), etc., natural gas purchased for heating, as well as fuel consumption spent for daily activities (caused by vehicle use and employee transportation).
We have deepened our analysis to determine the current situation as of 2022. We expanded our field of work to identify and measure greenhouse gas sources. In addition to electricity, lighting and water consumption in our headquarters buildings, all air conditioners, cooling rooms, refrigerators and dispensers used, as well as all cooling units, generators, circuit breakers and all fire extinguishers, were taken into our measurement inventory and included in the calculation. In addition, all sources in our headquarters buildings were also included in the carbon emission calculation through maintenance report reviews. In this context, carbon emissions for 2022 were calculated according to the GHG protocol and reported in accordance with ISO 14064 standards. In 2023 and beyond, carbon emissions resulting from domestic waste collected from our headquarters buildings will also be included in the calculations.
We have determined Türkiye Sigorta's emission target as being net zero in 2053, in line with our country's targets. In line with our targets to transition to low carbon emissions, all electrical energy consumption of our headquarters buildings has become supplied from renewable energy sources as of 2023 and it is certified by the 100% national and local Renewable Energy Source Guarantee System (YEK-G) that the electricity provided is pproduced from renewable sources. As of November 2023, our electricity consumption from renewable energy sources was 2,900 GJ for Türkiye Sigorta and 926 GJ FOR Türkiye Hayat Emeklilik. With the implementation of hybrid working model, electricity consumption in the Head Office buildings decreased by 13 % at Türkiye Sigorta and 9% at Türkiye Hayat Emeklilik in the 10-month period compared to the pre-transition period. Within the scope of our emission reduction targets, central heating and cooling systems and other energy efficient equipment are in place. Again, in this context, we aim to reduce our energy consumption by 15% until 2030. In 2022, we prevented the use of approximately 2.7 million pieces of paper by using digital systems instead of sending 65,000 physical mails, while contributing to the low-carbon economy by recycling paper and electronic waste generated within the scope of our operations. During this period, 4 tons of paper waste was sent for recycling for Türkiye Sigorta (45 tons for Türkiye Hayat Emeklilik), while the amount of electronic waste sent for recycling for Türkiye Sigorta (Türkiye Hayat Emeklilik) was 13.9 tons. Infrastructure work to ensure waste separation and recycling continues within the scope of the project to switch to a waste management system in the headquarters buildings in 2023. While the Türkiye Sigorta Memorial Forest was created within the scope of in-house social responsibility projects, it continues to be afforested by planting new saplings every year.
We provide training to our employees on energy efficiency and climate change, and work to raise awareness on these issues and develop environmentally friendly behavioral models. We implement the necessary practices to spread environmental awareness among our employees and our value chain. In 2022, we provided 176 person*hours of environmental training to our employees. We also prepared our responsible purchasing policy in 2023 and started a comprehensive survey to measureand promote environmental awareness in our supply chain.
Türkiye Sigorta will continue to work to achieve the 2053 targets with its responsible insurance, zero waste, carbon management and supplier management teams for the emission sources it defines and examines as Insurance-Internal-External activities.
Türkiye Sigorta will continue its work to achieve 2053 targets with its responsible insurance, zero waste, carbon management and supplier management teams.